Well, if you have gotten this far I applaud you. You are so close to finishing up your project. We have saved the best for last, our receiving shirt.
Items you'll need:
2 front pieces of the shirt cut and marked (flannel)
1 backing of the shirt (flannel)
1/4" ribbon
Button Clip
Long strips of 1 1/2" flannel for edges
Sewing Machine
After you have cut and marked your pattern you will want to set your sewing machine with the zigzag stitch if you don't already have a surger. zigzag the sides as well as the top of the shoulder.
Once you have finished all 3 pieces in the zigzag change your stitch to a straight stitch and sew (right sides in) together the sides and tops of the shoulders together. You will want to also pin in the ribbon where the pattern was marked and sew in with the seam. Take your long strips of the 1 1/2" flannel pieces and press them with your iron in half and then in half again with the unfinished edges in the center. Start at the bottom and pin the edging to the bottom of the shirt (if you don't have enough of the edging you will just want to sew together pieces). Sew pieces together carefully pulling the pins out before running through your sewing machine. Repeat same step for the sides and also remember to include the ribbon to the other side of your bow. Once finished there you will want to repeat with the arm holes. You are almost done. Last step you will take your hidden button clip and sew it on the inside of the shirt helping to keep the hidden side closed and together.
Look back and relax because you are finished!!! Please send pictures of all your finished projects because we would all love to see your finished masterpiece. Happy sewing!!!
Making a baby blanket is very simple and if you are just getting into sewing it's a great project to work on and feel that you have accomplished an adorable masterpiece. The fun thing about the baby blankets is you can embellish any way that you want.
In this post I will explain how to do a basic baby blanket and then also give you some other ideas to add some character to your project.
What you will need (basics):
at least 32x32 inches of flannel fabric (2 separate patterns)
All Purpose string that will match your fabric
Sewing machine
All you will do once you have cut your fabric you will match up right sides together, sew with 3/8 from the edge all the way around the fabric leaving the last 4-5 inches unfinished. Turn your fabric right side out, press all the edges with an iron. Sew the last 4-5 inches as close to the edge as possible. Once finished, snip all your excess strings.
Now if you want to embellish the project as I have you can cut your initial top piece to 29x29 and then cut 4 separate strips 2 inches wide. Once you have sewed the strips you will want to make sure that you pin the back piece to the top piece making sure that the 2 are centered. If you want to embellish even more with the border you can have 2 strips on each side. Another way to add some character is to sew in ribbon that can be machine washed. I would suggest to get the 1 1/2 inch ribbon if you decide to add the adjustment. If adding the ribbon you will just want to place the ribbon in between the right sides when initially sewing the 2 pieces together.
I would love to hear any other ideas you have to add character, If you would like to try batting in between or pin quilt etc. Let me know. I would also like to see your end result. If you would like to have your picture featured just email me and I will add it to the post.
2 pieces of flannel fabric cut out to match that of the video
string that matches your fabric
sewing machine
You will want to pin your pattern to the 1st piece of fabric. If you are following the previous blog post and got enough fabric for 2 burp cloths you will want to double up your fabric to cut out 2 pieces at the same time.
Once you have cut out your fabric you will take on of each types of fabric and place the right sides together. Line up your fabric to the edge of the sewing machine foot leaving yourself about 3/8 of an ince from the edge. Begin and go about 1/2 inch then press the reverse/reinforcement button to back up the needle back to the beginning. Once at the beginning again release the reinforcement button and sew continuously around your fabric
You will want to sew all the way around the fabric leaving only 3 inches remaining. Select your reinforcement button going back 1/2 inch and continue forward back to the 1/2 inch.
Raise your needle, then raise your foot, slowly pull out your project and cut off any excess string.
You will now want to turn the right sides out gradually taking your finger and sliding it across the inside pushing out your seam and also checking for any areas where you may have missed sewing the 2 pieces of fabric together. If you find that you have missed a spot you can easily turn your fabric inside out and sew up the missing area.
The last thing you will want to do is sew up the last 3 inches. Place the needle as close to the opening as possible and start sewing. You will want to reinforce the beginning of your seam as well as the end. Cut off the excess string and you are FINISHED!!!
This project has been enjoyed by many of my friends with little babies. To explain this project comes in a 1 in 3 series were I will supply the patterns and steps to follow to make:
a 32 inch baby blanket
2 burp cloths
Diaper/Receiving Shirt
In order to complete the 3 projects you will need:
1 1/3 yrds of patterned flannel fabric
1 yrd of solid colored flannel fabric (optional - buy an extra 1/4 yrd for embellishment on the receiving shirt)
multipurpose sewing thread
1/4 inch ribbon
(optional) hidden button
Sewing Maching
Needle to thread by hand
This is a very inexpensive project for a baby shower gift. Depending on the fabric the project should only cost around $12.00 or less depending if you already have some of the basic supplies.