2 pieces of flannel fabric cut out to match that of the video
string that matches your fabric
sewing machine
You will want to pin your pattern to the 1st piece of fabric. If you are following the previous blog post and got enough fabric for 2 burp cloths you will want to double up your fabric to cut out 2 pieces at the same time.
Once you have cut out your fabric you will take on of each types of fabric and place the right sides together. Line up your fabric to the edge of the sewing machine foot leaving yourself about 3/8 of an ince from the edge. Begin and go about 1/2 inch then press the reverse/reinforcement button to back up the needle back to the beginning. Once at the beginning again release the reinforcement button and sew continuously around your fabric
You will want to sew all the way around the fabric leaving only 3 inches remaining. Select your reinforcement button going back 1/2 inch and continue forward back to the 1/2 inch.
Raise your needle, then raise your foot, slowly pull out your project and cut off any excess string.
You will now want to turn the right sides out gradually taking your finger and sliding it across the inside pushing out your seam and also checking for any areas where you may have missed sewing the 2 pieces of fabric together. If you find that you have missed a spot you can easily turn your fabric inside out and sew up the missing area.
The last thing you will want to do is sew up the last 3 inches. Place the needle as close to the opening as possible and start sewing. You will want to reinforce the beginning of your seam as well as the end. Cut off the excess string and you are FINISHED!!!
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