3 of 3 series - How to make a Diaper/Receiving Shirt
Well, if you have gotten this far I applaud you. You are so close to finishing up your project. We have saved the best for last, our receiving shirt.
Items you'll need:
2 front pieces of the shirt cut and marked (flannel)
1 backing of the shirt (flannel)
1/4" ribbon
Button Clip
Long strips of 1 1/2" flannel for edges
Sewing Machine
After you have cut and marked your pattern you will want to set your sewing machine with the zigzag stitch if you don't already have a surger. zigzag the sides as well as the top of the shoulder.
Once you have finished all 3 pieces in the zigzag change your stitch to a straight stitch and sew (right sides in) together the sides and tops of the shoulders together. You will want to also pin in the ribbon where the pattern was marked and sew in with the seam. Take your long strips of the 1 1/2" flannel pieces and press them with your iron in half and then in half again with the unfinished edges in the center. Start at the bottom and pin the edging to the bottom of the shirt (if you don't have enough of the edging you will just want to sew together pieces). Sew pieces together carefully pulling the pins out before running through your sewing machine. Repeat same step for the sides and also remember to include the ribbon to the other side of your bow. Once finished there you will want to repeat with the arm holes. You are almost done. Last step you will take your hidden button clip and sew it on the inside of the shirt helping to keep the hidden side closed and together.
Look back and relax because you are finished!!! Please send pictures of all your finished projects because we would all love to see your finished masterpiece. Happy sewing!!!
Hi! My daughter and I wanted to make your diaper shirt, but cannot find a printable pattern for the pieces. How do we find and print it? TIA!